Empowering Busy Women to Make

Their Health a Priority

Online Personal Training in the Greater Phoenix Metro

Increase Energy

Improve Confidence

Sustainable Results

"I feel selfish for taking time to work on me"

If you're like most busy women, you've put your health on the back-burner to focus on nurturing other things in your life like family and/or a career, which has you feeling like:

  • You don't have the time or energy to exercise

  • You've tried other things in the past but they didn't work, so you don't even know where to start.

  • You have been sedentary for too long and feel overwhelmed by the thought of "getting healthy".

Let's make your health a priority again

You have to put your oxygen mask on first before you can help others.

Improved energy

Through movement and better nutritional habits, your body learns how to become more efficient at creating and using energy

Improved Confidence

Who doesn't like to look and feel their best? We do this through improving mental health, reducing stress, and gaining a sense of accomplishment

Better Movement = Less Pain

I believe it's not only important to be strong but to move better through life. We do this by strengthening weaknesses in our body and creating better length and range of motion in tight areas.

Results for Life

As busy women, we don't have time to start over again and again. I help you find sustainable ways to move and nourish your body so you get results and maintain them.

Empowered Health Program

Your goals, your program, your life!

Step 1:

Establish Your Fitness Goal

Understanding the specific details of what success looks like to you is the driving force in everything we do together.

Step 2:

Comprehensive Roadmap to Success

Step-by-step instructions on who to exercise effectively and efficiently, along with how to fuel your results with proper nutrition.

Step 3:

Get to Work

The only way to reach our goals is to put in the reps, but you don't have to do it alone. I will be with you every step of the way to help you navigate your roadmap.

Founder Story

I'm Courtney Prinke

As an Arizona native, I had a very active lifestyle growing up, but my priorities started to shift after high school. I gave 110% to my studies in Computer Science, then building career in the aerospace field, and eventually on building a family. I had fallen into the all-too-common idea that many women do, which is "I have to be everything to everyone".

This led to a life of scrambling from dropping my kids off at daycare to rush into a meeting. Logging into work again after they went to bed was hit impossible project deadlines. you get the picture... I was BURNT OUT! The stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and lack of movement had taken a toll on my body and I HAD to make a change.

I made a commitment to myself to exercise consistently and learn more about nourishing my body with food and better sleep. I started to have more energy, better focus, less aches and pains, and an overall better mood. I actually enjoyed doing things with my kids and being in pictures with them!

The biggest connection I made through exercise and nutrition is that our bodies and minds are capable of so much more than we think they are. When I applied this thought process to other areas like my career, it was a powerful realization. This ultimately led to me finding my purpose in life... to empower other busy women to regain control of their health so they, too, can enjoy their best lives!

Courtney Prinke


What Clients Say About Me

What Clients Say About Me

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