Client Results

Burned Out to Supermom

Rebekah is a 37-year-old busy mom of 5 kids, loving wife and co-owner of a business.


When Rebekah first came to see me, she was exhausted, finding it difficult and even painful to get through daily tasks, overweight, and not taking care of yourself the way she wanted to. her goals were to have more energy to keep up with her kids, minimize pain, and lose weight to feel healthier and stronger.


After working with me consistently for 1 year, Rebekah has not only lost a significant amount of weight, she has also increased strength which gives her more energy and endurance for keeping up with her kids. Rebekah has also improved her posture, mobility, and flexibility, which has reduced overall aches and pains. Things like lifting her toddler, getting up and down from the floor, and running the other kids around have become much easier and she can get back to enjoying time with them.


Surprise, Arizona

Boss Lady Making Time for Her Health

Katie is a 34-year-old mom of 3 active kids, wife, and successful career woman.


Katie came to me with a background as an overachiever. Whether that was in sports, school, raising a family, or building a career, she gives 110% to everything else. She had fallen into the common situation of being everything to everyone, and had put her health on the back-burner. She had become less active, eating around a busy day, coming home exhausted, and it was taking a toll on her body. Her goals were to not only lose weight, but increase strength and energy, and take back control of her body.


Katie puts in work, every single week, and it shows! She has significantly improved total strength, decreased body fat percentage, and improved mobility. All of which has decreased chronic back and shoulder pain, given her more energy for her hectic days. Taking the stress away from worrying about her health has freed up time and space to enjoy life again!


Peoria, Arizona

Not-Sure-Where-To-Start Superstar

Vicky is a 31-year-old working mom of 3 kids, and loving wife.


Vicky came to me with health concerns due to her weight and family history. She felt like she had tried all the diets/fasting/cleanses and nothing worked. Vicky knew she had to do something different to get her health under control but didn't know where to start as she never even set foot in a gym. She was worried about missing out on enjoying life with her family! Vicky's goals were not only to lose weight, but feel stronger and have more energy.


Vicky and I have worked together through many roadblocks, including mindset and behavioral changes. She is learning that body composition changes take time and consistency. Vicky is already seeing great improvements in the way she moves and feels, through working on building strength and better movement patterns. Most importantly for Vicky is she is learning how to have a better relationship with food and how it fuels her body for her busy lifestyle.!


Phoenix, Arizona

I want my life back

Cindy is a 62-year-old mother, grandmother, and entrepreneur


When I first met Cindy, she was struggling to get around on her own without the help of a walker, and she was tired of being dependent on others to do everything for her. Cindy missed being able to take her dogs for a walk or even get back to her love of travelling.


Cindy is walking without any help! No more cane, no more walker. Instead, she is more active than she has been in a long time. Cindy has worked consistently to improve her mobility and strength to be able to get up and down her stairs, cook her own meals, swim in her pool, and is looking forward to walking her dogs this summer!


Phoenix, Arizona

Empowering Busy Women to Make Their Health a Priority

Simply put, random workouts and fad diets don't work! The way to get results that last is to find consistency and sustainability. This is why I work 1-on-1 with my clients to understand their goals, how much time they have to dedicate to exercise and nutrition, and we come up with a plan together to make it fit their lifestyle.

  • Establish crystal clear goals and actionable steps to reach them

  • Customized exercise and nutrition program that fits your lifestyle

  • Coaching and Accountability

  • Sustainable results the last

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